Hi, I'm Lacey. A highly adaptive product designer who thrives in ambiguity. 
Where it all Began 
When I was 8 years old, my dad framed a picture of a cat that I drew (I don’t even like cats), since then I knew I was destined to design.
Fast forward to 2016, a sophomore in college studying Health Sciences, I hit a roadblock in my creative journey. I knew I wanted to design, but didn’t know how to infiltrate the field. I decided the best route for me at the time would be to study architecture. 
Once I graduated with my undergraduate degree in 2019, I pursued my Masters in Architecture. Through this, I discovered what actually fuels me and *spoiler alert* it’s not drafting.
My 'Aha' Moment 
While studying Architecture and working as a Real Estate agent full time, I discovered I wasn’t actually as driven to design physical buildings as I thought I was. While all the other students were excelling in drafting, I was most passionate and creative during the research and mapping phase. 
I wanted to know their whys. 
While I was succeeding in my classes, I was craving answers and justifications from others for their design decisions.
Something I felt that wasn’t focused on enough in this field. 

Mapping of the decision making process to inform an architectural concept.

Where I'm Headed 
This is when I decided to focus my energy on finding a creative role that I knew would serve me. 
That is when I found User Experience Design and since then, i have dedicated all of my free time to absorbing and experiencing all that I can.
Leveraging my customer facing experience from Real Estate and community management into unique and data driven product designs.
My Design Values 
Other Design Work 
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